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Live the Holiday even during lockdown at Renishaw Hills

During uncertain times like these, we can always count on Mother Nature to show us that the sun will rise again. As we head into level 3 of lockdown, we’re also heading into winter, a glorious time for those at Renishaw Hills. What’s normally pegged as the coldest and miserable month of all is one that our residents simply relish in. This is because higher temperatures and spectacular sunshine mean more time to get outside and do the things that they love. Our aloes are also flowering in winter, providing yet another beautiful reason to explore our surroundings. Level 3 of lockdown also marks a wonderful occasion for us as we’re allowed to reopen for private tours. For those wanting to take a closer look at the Renishaw Hills offering, there are two options:

  • Virtual Tours & Consultations: For those who prefer to stay home, our online tours show you each home type. You can also chat to Julieann via Whatsapp Call or Whatsapp Chat. Whilst this does give a wonderful indication of what we’re all about, there’s no substitute for that South Coast air and sunshine in person. Should you wish to stay put and take our tours from home, click here.
  • Book A Private Tour: Get out the house, take a drive down the coast and see why our winter and lifestyle is the envy of the nation! Meet in person with Julieann (a qualified nurse who is well-versed in COVID-19 procedures) as you enjoy a personal tour complete with social distancing and correct safety measures. Click here to book your private tour now.

Why should you visit Renishaw Hills during level 3?

  • We’re a safe zone: Located outside of the eThekwini “hotspot”.
  • We really do get the best of both worlds. We’re close enough to convenient amenities but far enough to enjoy the safety and peace that comes with a more tucked away location.
  • Our COVD-19 management has been meticulous and effective. It’s something we take very seriously, as demonstrated by the wellbeing of our residents.
  • We’re the essence of coastal living! Our residents have been living the holiday even during lockdown with wide-open spaces, glorious gardens, nature trails and low-touch activities. This fresh air and healthy living is great for the mind and the body.
  • We’re prepared for the “new normal.” If social distancing is set to become a lifestyle, we’re more than prepared for it thanks to our location, facilities and healthcare.

Ready when you are… It’s been a long two months of isolation but we’re looking forward to showing you the place that we call home. Want to visit the real coast at a spectacular time of year? Click here to book your private tour now.

Book a tour with us

If you’ve never visited Renishaw Hills at this time of the year, now’s the perfect time to take a scenic drive and meet up with our sales team. After all, no one knows our village and our impeccably designed homes quite like they do. Arrange your tour now when you fill out the form below or contact Kelly on 064 198 2693 or email

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