These have been trying times for many, but they’ve also been a period of great learning too. If we all sit and think about it, we would soon see that we’ve come to learn a few things about ourselves and the way we live as well. At Renishaw Hills, our residents are always doing their best to see the glass as half full. Although lockdown has meant isolation and time apart from loved ones, those in our village have noticed a few valuable things along the way.
After asking the residents to share their favourite lockdown lessons, we were blown away at the feedback we received. Whilst many chose to remain anonymous, their sentiments are well worth sharing, especially at a time like this.
Lesson 1: Patience really is one of the most underrated traits
“Lockdown has taught me patience and endurance. I’ve sat for weeks going through old photos that were shoved into a big box that I have been putting off for 20 years!”
We’ve all heard the saying about patience being a virtue but over this lockdown period, remaining patient has kept many a Renishaw resident sane. It’s also helped them do the things they’ve been delaying, something we could all use a little assistance with.
Lesson 2: You’ll never get this time again
“Make the most of this precious time… you’ll never get it again.”
Yes, this is a strange world we’re living in but when last did you get to enjoy this much time at home? For most of us, this means more hours spent with your partner or pursuing those hobbies. This too shall pass and when it does, make sure you can look back on this time and feel grateful for how you got to spend it.
Lesson 3: You most certainly can do more with less
“You save money, because you are not shopping every day, there’s also no wasting of food.”
All too often, we get caught up in the web of consumption, thinking that we need to own more things in order to be truly happy. Over this time, our residents have pulled out old puzzles, created scrapbooks and gotten creative in the kitchen… all without a trip to the shops.
“Creative thinking keeps us all positive.”
This is something that we definitely agree with and in times where we have felt the most isolated, those creative outlets really do make all the difference. From knitting, to painting and even photography, our residents have had no shortage of inspiration. There must be something in our Scottburgh air…
Lesson 4: There are old joys to be rediscovered
“Nature became part of our less busy lives. None of us felt “hemmed in” and isolated. Butterfly photography became even more popular and many of us saw the very shy bushbuck or saw evidence of them through their spoor.”
Our residents have always appreciated their surroundings at Renishaw Hills but now this is even more so. Getting to walk on the nature trails is good for the soul and the body, often reminding one of precisely what they have to be grateful for.
“My husband acquired a Swing Ball and without fail, for the past 50 odd days, has been annoying the neighbours with his afternoon Wimbledon showdown.”
Some of our residents have even taken up new hobbies, much to the amusement of their partners and neighbours. This has kept us all in high spirits during lockdown, making the burden of uncertainly a lot lighter.
Lesson 5: Community is everything
“We knew it all along, but it became even more evident during lockdown, that the residents of Renishaw Hills make this place. You are drawn in and made to feel like part of the family, lockdown just strengthened this feeling.”
During times of isolation and worry, support makes all the difference. From our management team who kept residents informed to our residents who created their own traditions of morning driveway greetings and more recently, driveway braais, our community spirit has only grown.
“Lockdown will never be forgotten, not for all the negativity surrounding it, but by the manner in which it brought a community even closer together.”
Our residents live the holiday… even in lockdown
“Here’s to beating Covid-19 and doing it the Renishaw way. What a lifestyle!”
At Renishaw Hills, we believe that our community, unspoilt location and unrivalled amenities is something special. To take our virtual tours and see what we have to offer, please click