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Bring your Dogs

The Estate welcomes two of your friendly, mid-sized, non-aggressive dogs with open arms.

Having dogs is beneficial to your health in many ways. They provide companionship, which can reduce feelings of loneliness and depression. Regular walks and playtime with dogs promote physical activity, which can improve cardiovascular health and aid in maintaining a healthy weight. Additionally, interacting with dogs has been shown to lower blood pressure and reduce stress levels. The unconditional love and joy that dogs bring can enhance overall emotional well-being and increase social interactions through dog-related activities and communities.

Book a tour with us

If you’ve never visited Renishaw Hills at this time of the year, now’s the perfect time to take a scenic drive and meet up with our sales team. After all, no one knows our village and our impeccably designed homes quite like they do. Arrange your tour now when you fill out the form below or contact Kelly on 064 198 2693 or email

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